板件贴面、木门复合生产线(三方向对中组坯) BY624 x 8/16
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板件贴面、木门复合生产线(三方向对中组坯) BY624 x 8/16

  • 产品详细

1、皮带运输机(附加对中装置) Belt conveyor(With centering)


(1)皮带宽度 Belt width: 1300mm

(2)皮带轮中心距 Belt focus distance: 2600mm

(3)工作高度 Working height: 880-920mm

(4)运输速度 Cnveying speed: 15-30m/min(变频调速Frequency control)

(5)装机功率 Installation power: 1.5kW

(6)重量 Weight: 550kg

(7)外形尺寸 (L x W x H): 2800 x 1800 x 970mm                          


2.双面涂胶机 Double side glue spreader


(1)最大涂胶宽度 Max gluing width: 1300mm

(2)最大加工厚度 Max working thickness: 80mm

(3)敝辊直径 Roller diameter: 200mm 

(4)涂胶速度 Gluing speed: 16m/min

(5)电机功率 Installation power: 2.2kW


Glue spreader movable guide rail(Movable left and right)



Lay-up device(Core board centering and aligning+face boards centering and and aligning+face side aligning)

BZP114 x 8/850

(1)最大运输宽度 Max conveying width: 1300mm

(2)最大运输长度 Max conveying length: 2200mm

(3运输速度Cnveying speed: 15-30m/min

(4)电机功率 Installation power: 1.1 +1.1 kW

(5)工作标高 Working height: 850mm

(6)制品幅面适用范围 Workpiece size: 500-1220 x 2440mm

(7)外形尺寸 (L x W x H): 3570 x 1980 x 1170mm

5、皮带运输机 Belt conveyor


(1)皮带运输长度 Belt width: 2600mm

(2)皮带运输宽度 Belt length: 1300mm

(3)传送速度 Conveying speed: 15-30m/min(变频调速Frequency control)

(4)电机功率 Installation power: 1.5kW

(5)工作标高 conveying speed: 830-920(可调)mm

(6)重量 Weight: 400kg

(7)外形尺寸(L x W x H): 2750 x 1600 x 850mm

6、面板存放架Panel storage rack


(1)台面尺寸 Gross size: 2500 x 1500 x 270mm

(2)整机重量 Gross weight: 110kg

7.热压机 Hot press

BY624 x 8/16

(1)公称压力 Total pressure: 1600kN

(2)额定压力 Rated pressure: 28MPa

(3)压板数量及规格 Platen No.&diameter: 2块 - 2500 x 1300 x 42mm

(4)层数 Layer: 1

(5)层间距 Opening: 50-250mm(可调)

(6)加压油缸数量及直径 Pressing cylinder No.&diameter : 10 - Φ85 mm

(7)提升油缸数量及直径 Raising cylinder No.&diameter: 2 - Φ85mm

(8)闭合速度 Speed of closing: 50mm/s

(9)传送速度 Speed of conveying: 15-30m/min(变频调速Frequency control)

(01)进料方式 Loading way: 电动,纵(Automatically,width direction)

(11)开启方式 Opening way:电动,PLC、触摸屏控制(Automatically,PLC,Touching Screen Control)

(12)加热方式 Heating way: 电热介质循环(Electric heated with thermic oil)

(13)工作温度 Working temperature:室温-120℃(indoor temperature-120℃)

(14)装机功率 Installation power: 4+2.2+1.5+0.75+48+0.55(扫尘Clean)=57kW

(15)供电制式 Voltage: 3PE 380V 50Hz

(16)重量 Gross weight: 约7700kg

(17)外形尺寸 (L x W x H): 3200 x 3370 x 2525mm

8、辊筒式运输机(带升降及气动压紧装置)Roller conveyer


(1)辊筒运输长度 Conveying length: 2500mm

(2)辊筒运输宽度 Conveying Width: 1300mm

(3)电机功率 Installation power: 1.5kW

(4)工作高度 Woking height: 800-880mm(可调Adjustable)

(5)传送速度 Conveying speed : 15-30m/min(变频调速Frequency control)

(6)外形尺寸(L x W x H): 2640 x 1700 x 900mm



There is a 30s counddown sound signal designed in the electric controlling system and the 30s can be adjustable.According to the

docking requirement of quadrilateral saw, roller discharging height can be adjusted. The docking signal is offered from the

electrical part.